John Roesch
John, a dedicated individual driven by service and a passion for learning, embarked on a remarkable journey shaped by a deep-rooted tradition of military service. Following the tragic events of 9/11, John answered the call of duty and enlisted in the US Navy, where he embraced the role of a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman with unwavering commitment and served for 16 years.
Transition to civilian life, John studied Global Supply Chain Management, leveraging his diverse experiences he learned from serving in the Navy. While attending university, he co-founded a company specializing in servicing financial institutions through the construction and installation of ATMs and security systems. He took on a multifaceted role as a project manager, designer, and site manager for this company. This provided John the opportunity to balance academic pursuits and apply what was learned with real-world experience.
John is currently pursuing his MBA, with an emphasis in Construction Management and will apply the lessons learned in this pursuit into his new role as a Superintendent with Flatwater Homes. A further testament to his adaptability and pursuit of excellence.
Beyond his professional pursuits, John is an avid golfer and enjoys the simplicity of life’s pleasures. While fishing he finds serenity in the gently rhythm of casting lines from his kayak. He seeks outdoor adventure while riding a motorcycle along scenic routes.